The Low-Risk Way to Make Big Profits From Altcoin Volatility

Two Strategies Revealed

The Low-Risk Way to Make Big Profits From Altcoin Volatility

Do you remember the lollipop and rainbow fantasies of your childhood? I do.

In my childhood dreams, I’d get everything I wanted without any effort on my part. Things would come easily. And I’d always be happy.

As children, for the most part, this is our reality. The experience of life as a very young child does little to prepare us for the harsh realities of life.

For the most part as children, we’re sheltered from anything other than the tyranny of a strict bedtime and some limits on our personal conduct.

This fantasy all ended for me at the age of eight when I was placed in a group home and later in foster care.

To say this was jarring is an understatement. I wasn’t mentally or physically prepared for the violence, loneliness and injustice I would experience over the remainder of my childhood.

I would imagine that many new bitcoiners have experienced similar emotions as bitcoin dropped 24% from its high of $74,000 to a recent low of $56,500.

I wish I could tell you it will get better. But we’re grown-ups now. And grown-ups have to live in reality.

Taking a quick look at the bitcoin charts suggests we’re oversold right now. (As I write this, it’s Friday, May 3.) And we should run back up to the $62,000-64,000 range. But if we can’t break above that level, we’ll likely see a move down to $52,000.

If $52,000 doesn’t hold, don’t be shocked to see an intraday low somewhere between $42,000 and $45,000.

Let me be very clear: I don’t know if bitcoin will trade that low. But I do know it’s possible.

And just like when I was an eight-year-old kid about to enter my first group home… I’m going to do for you what I wish someone had done for me: Give you a realistic appraisal of what could happen and how to prepare yourself for it.

Two Strategies: Long-Term Stack Vs. Short-Term Stack

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