Why the Government Won’t Ban Bitcoin

Bitcoin’s Bully Buster

Why the Government Won’t Ban Bitcoin

I grew up in the United Kingdom in the 1970s. And as a kid, I got bullied quite often.

Back then there were no anti-bullying public service announcements like there are now. If you were small, looked different or stood out from the crowd, you got bullied.

It felt like every day I had to fend for myself.

However, there was one tiny kid the bullies refused to touch.

I was intrigued by this. How was this puny kid able to generate so much fear and respect from the older boys? Even back then I was a researcher… So I started asking around.

One day, I eventually found out the tiny kid had a much older brother who was huge. The bullies knew this. And that’s why they never bothered the kid.

I learned a valuable lesson that day: Who you align yourself with matters.

You may not have the strength to defeat an enemy… but if you have strong allies, you don’t need to be the toughest guy in the room.

Long story short, I learned it pays to have friends bigger and tougher than you.

Here’s why I’m telling you this…

Despite establishing itself as a legitimate asset class, many people still fear that the government may eventually shut down bitcoin.

If you fall into that camp, I’m here to tell you not to worry.  That’s because bitcoin has one of the strongest allies in the world.

Bitcoin’s Bully Buster

Over the years, people I respect, like and even admire have told me I was a fool for investing my money in something the government would never tolerate.

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