The Ethical “Cheat Code” I Use to Print Money From The Markets

My Ethical “Cheat Code”

The Ethical “Cheat Code” I Use to Print Money From The Markets

Doing difficult things consistently is difficult.

I know that is a ridiculous statement. But isn’t it ridiculous that we are unable to do things that we know are in our best interest to do?

Take working out, eating sensibly, and getting a good night’s rest, for example.

The science is clear that these activities will both lengthen and improve the quality of our lives. Yet most of us don’t do these things regularly because – well they’re difficult.

The same is true when it comes to investing.

The talking heads (I include myself in this group) exhort the benefits of buying when things look ugly. But just like sticking to a daily workout routine, how many of us will actually do that?

That’s why I spend so much time actively “coaching” my subscribers on how to emotionally respond (rather than react) to jarring market movements.

My Ethical “Cheat Code”

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